Day 25 Adam & Eve

Jesse Tree Devotional Day 25 focuses on Adam and Eve. Their relationship to God and their consequences of choosing the wrong way. God loves his created. Includes historical artwork and videos.




Adam & Eve

Genesis 3:3-4

“It’s only the fruit from the tree at the center of the garden

that we are not allowed to eat.

God says, we must not eat it or touch it, or we will die.”

Bible Readings


God created Adam & Eve. He told them not to eat the fruit from a certain tree.

The devil tricked Adam & Eve and told them to eat the fruit anyways! Eve ate, and then Adam did too.

God told them they had to leave the Garden of Eden. God still loved them and cared for them.


The Terrible Lie

Page 28

Genesis 2 & 3

matthew 11:28-30


This video below is part 2 from yesterday. This video show the creation of Adam & Eve, but doesn’t explain sin. Video Length: 1:33


This video is Genesis 2-3. It discusses sin. Video Length: 3:52


This is a video of the Creation Museum located in Kentucky which is a part of the Answers in Genesis science education ministry

There is a Museum based on the Bible and Genesis

Historical Artwork: Adam & Eve

“The Garden of Eden” by Lucas Cranach, the Elder 1530 AD

“The Garden of Eden” by Lucas Cranach, the Elder 1530 AD

“Adam & Eve in the Earthly Paradise” by Johann Wenzel Peter 1745-1829 AD

“Adam & Eve in the Earthly Paradise” by Johann Wenzel Peter 1745-1829 AD

“The Fall of Man” by Michelangelo 1512 AD

“The Fall of Man” by Michelangelo 1512 AD

Adam & Eve

We don’t have to convince anybody that there is sin in the world.

There is a right way and a wrong way.

There was a tree in the center of the garden.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The fruit of the tree - was consumed by Adam & Eve.




Genesis 2:16

But the LORD God gave him this warning:

“You may freely eat any fruit in the garden

except fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

If you eat of its fruit, you will surely die.”

They ate it -

and a part of them changed -

they started to die.

This is sin.


For Adam & Eve:

Spirit - their heart-thoughts and mind was moving away from God.

Body - with their body, they acted out their choice.

Soul - breathing and heart pumping blood would eventually cease for them - and their life would end in death.


felt shame,

they hid from God

they blamed others

their future had changed.

Genesis 3:9

The LORD God called to Adam,

“Where are you?”

God knew, but the relationship He had with had now changed.




“Where are you?”, right now?

There is a force at work that wants to keep you away from God!

A deceptive enemy that is trying to keep you away from your Creator.

Everyday we follow things, listen to things, and bow down to things.

How do you choose to spend your time?

Your money?

These answers reveal your relationship with God, and what’s most important to you.

God loved Adam & Eve even after they had sinned.

Genesis 3:21

“And the LORD God made clothing

from animal skins for Adam and his wife.”

He loves you, and He waits for you!

He has sent His own son - Jesus -

Jesus says, come to me just as you are!

Get to know me!


What is sin?

What happened after Adam & Eve sinned?

Did God still love them after they had sinned?



Father God,

You are the ruler over everybody, and over sin.

Thank you for showing us the way to live our lives.

Help us to have the strength to follow you.
