My Jesse Tree

I started this website and developed this coloring poster after using another devotional for many years in my home. I hope this is an easy, entertaining, and fulfilling way to draw closer to Jesus during the Christmas Season.


MY Jesse Tree all started when…

I quit working full time to raise my 2 boys, ages 4 and 2.

With the lifestyle change- I started to volunteer more.

One day, I was volunteering in my church - and I was talking about a book I love dearly -

The Bible.

Maybe I was going on & on too much??

Instead of my listeners agreeing, or commenting on my wonderful insights -

A mom responded by recommending that I join a certain Bible Study - “I think you would really like it”

I had never heard of the internationally known Bible Study she mentioned, I had free time - so I went to the church and I checked it out…

I enjoyed the introduction class and I committed to joining. I was really excited to study individual books of the Bible in a group setting!

But, I was wait-listed. The class was completely full with no room for me or my 2 children.

It wasn’t until the late Fall that a spot opened up, and we attended the overflowing class.

I was excited that I ‘got the call’, and went off to the church with my boys in tow…

So, as I attended each week, you know how when you’re in a group, or a class, and EVERYONE grabs the same spot each time as they sat in the week before?

In this Bible Study, that happened.

There was a woman that sat next to me each week.

It was near Thanksgiving time, so she offered up a book to those who sat near her -

The book was about 30 years old at the time, but her Mom had written it -

She said it was a fun Christian Activity for kids during the Christmas time.

It had never crossed my mind to do a Christmas Devotional with my young boys-

AND I really didn’t want to say, “NO” to her - (her Mother had written it)

Excitedly, I paid her $5 for the paper book and took it home.

The book was:

Jesse Tree Devotions

A Family Activity for Advent

By Marilyn Breckenridge

c. 1982

WELL! I loved the book & the activity -

My family of now - 4 children - have been doing it ever since that Christmas.

For years, before Christmas time, I would buy many of these books -

1 batch of 50 from the Author’s daughters home!

I would speak at our church and resell the books at Mom-related events.

I would stay in touch with the Moms and gather feedback from their experiences.

I enjoyed getting the word out & knowing that other families now had a new tradition.

Every year they had a fun and easy way to chronologically review the Bible stories -

with their children.

I am SO thankful to Marilyn for making her book all those years ago for her Sunday School

class she taught in Edina, MN. <I could insert a photo of her & I together here>

I am thankful for all the events that occurred so that I could enjoy Christmas in a deeper and

more meaningful way - with the purpose to SHARE it with others!

Could this be your heart cry too? ….To get to know God, so that you can share Him with others?

It’s a Gift -

What God offers to us are GIFTS..

What we are able to do with His gifts to us -

It’s a Gift - a gift with greatest of meaning, and purpose!!

Do you want to lay hold of a real treasure?

This treasure lasts, and the Bible says that it is SO valuable that even GOLD can’t buy it.

Many Mothers would use the Devotional, and stick to it -

But, there were many that did not.

Busyness, and being overcome by worldly things is VERY deceptive - I battle it everyday.

We all have a choice about how we are going to spend our days.

It is MY HOPE that with this Jesse Tree Devotional - coloring poster and website —

That God will become more known to YOU and your family!

May He richly bless you, as you draw closer to Him!

May the Jesse Tree be a helpful resource for you to review what God has done!