Day 8 Zechariah

Day 8 Zechariah The Jesse Tree Devotional is looking into the story of Zechariah to remember his story as it relates to the countdown to Christmas and the Bible Stories leading up to Jesus’s birthday




Zechariah & Elizabeth

Luke 1:76

“And you, my little son, will be called the prophet of the Most High because you will prepare the way for the Lord.”

Bible Readings


God was silent from the last book, Malachi all the way until He spoke to the High Priest Zechariah.

An angel, Gabriel said that Zechariah and Elizabeth would have a baby in their old age. This baby would be special and he would lead the way for God’s Son who was soon to be born.

Their baby was named John, he loved God and God’s people. John would baptize them in water as they announced their belief in God. Zechariah’s son is known as John the Baptist.

Luke 1:5-17

Luke 1:67-79 Zechariah’s Prophecy (Benedictus)


4:37 - An overview of Luke 1

3:00 Zechariah & Elizabeth have a baby boy —- John The Baptist. This is a rendition of Luke 1:67-79!! “His name is John”

1:28 - 1 of 4 Zechariah Serves in the Temple

1:27-2 of 4 The angel Gabriel visits Zechariah

1:14 Part 3 of 4

1:19 Part 4 of 4 - His name is John

2:24 Zechariah serves in the Temple and the angel appears to him - A scene from the Nativity Movie

2:05 The Prophecy of Zechariah from Luke 1:68-79 “The Benedictus”

Historical Artwork: Zechariah

Ceramic Replica of High Priest’s Breastplate located at The Sephardic Synogogue Ramat Gan

Ceramic Replica of High Priest’s Breastplate located at The Sephardic Synogogue Ramat Gan


Why did Zechariah lose his voice?

What was the name of their baby going to be?

How many days until Christmas?


Father in Heaven,

We praise you for speaking to us and controlling all events. Thank you for leading us in the right direction and for guiding us.

Give us strength to follow you in all things.