Jesse Tree Historical Artwork
This collection of Jesse Tree artwork is from many sources. The Jesse Tree is depicted in ancient Bible, formed into stained glass windows, paintings on walls, carvings on wood, and etched into the concrete of a building.
Tree of Jesse
1086 AD
Vyšehrad Codex
The Coronation Gospels of Vratislav II
Czech National Library, Prague
The Jesse Tree
1140 AD
Lambeth Psalter
Lambeth Palace Bible
Located in Kings College, London
Approx. 1531 AD
A Stained glass window in All Saint’s Church
Hove, Sussex - Great Britain
Jesse Tree
Santa Maria del Castillo Church
Olivenza, Spain
Tree of Jesse
1145 AD
The bottom portion of the oldest and most
complete stained glass window of the Jesse Tree.
Chartres Cathedral
Jesse Tree
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
Jesse Tree
17th Century
An oak carving of a Jesse Tree
St. Andrew’s Castle, Royal Scottish Museum
Jesse Tree Rose Window
Jesse at the Center
Basilica of St. Denis
Paris, France
Jesse, Ancestor of Christ
1508 AD
Sistene Chapel, Italy
Family Tree of Christ
1678 AD
Michael Willman
Jesse and Jesus Tree
1380 AD
A wall painting in Torun
Jesus on the cross is the middle of the tree, and Jesus in glory is above
Tree of Jesse
Wall Hanging
Basillique St. Quentin